Fishing federation and fishing license :
Camping Pont du Rouffet is an ideal place for fishermen.
Because the campsite is located directly on the Lac d'Enchanet and has an area of 585 football fields, it offers many opportunities for anglers.
Our campsite has its own beach, where you can fish for pike, zander, perch, catfish, tench, bream, barbel, trout, roach and other fish species.
The lake is 17 km long with many beaches that can also be reached by car or on foot in some places.
The rivers that flow into the lake (less than 500 meters from the campsite) offer trout fishing.
Fishing is not allowed at night. You can fish with live bait.
The fishing season is open during the opening of the campsite.
The Fish Federation is responsible for the permits.
All types of fishing licenses
(e.g. for tourists, for children, etc.) are for sale via their website, for the whole of France or per department.
Fishing permits can be purchased near the campsite.
In 2009 tench (largest 65 cm), zander (largest 90 and 92 cm) and catfish (98 and 100 cm) were regularly caught. In 2010 the largest tench was 54 cm and the largest zander was 97 cm. You also regularly catch roaches over 30 cm long (the largest in 2008 was 49 cm). In 2011 fewer large fish were caught.
For example, a perch of 46 cm was caught. 2012 was another good fishing year, big fish were caught. Especially a lot of catfish, the largest was 145 cm. Of the walleye, the largest was 91 cm. In 2013, many predatory fish were caught in June. In high season some caught a catfish almost every day, others none at all. Few zander were caught in 2014. Pike went better, of which 2 of more than 1 meter were caught. Catfish went very well for most anglers, the largest was 185 cm. In 2015, the zander was difficult to catch. However, a lot of whitefish was caught.
Pike and catfish also went well, especially in the pre-season.
In recent years, not much pike-perch has been caught, catfish is slowly taking the upper hand.

Vertaling website :
Lac d'Enchanet - Cantal - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Lac d'Enchanet is zonder twijfel het mooiste en wildste meer van de Cantal. Het wordt gevoed door het water van de Maronne, die op meer dan 1400 meter hoogte ontspringt in de Monts du Cantal, en door de rivieren de Etze en de Bertrande.
Dit Natura 2000-gebied bestaat uit kloven met steile hellingen en het deel tussen de stuwdam van Enchanet en de lagere stuwdam van Hautefage staat op de lijst van broed- en overwinteringsgebieden voor veel roofvogelsoorten.
Eén kant van het meer is bebouwd, dus je kunt genieten van het strand van Longayroux met zijn kinderspeelplaats (strand zonder toezicht). De plek is ideaal voor rust en ontspanning.
Vissen :
Snoekbaars, snoek, baars, karper, zeelt, witvis en meerval.
Oppervlakte: 410 ha